Lara Hogan

Author, public speaker, and coach for managers and leaders across the tech industry.

Mobile Web & Device Lab Resources

Building a Device Lab, the book   publication

At Etsy, Destiny Montague and I built a device lab with 30+ devices and iterated upon the lab as we learned more about how developers and designers use it. Building upon our workshop, Destiny Montague and I wrote this book to help others build out their labs as a product for their coworkers.

Velocity NY, O'Reilly video   interview

From the 2014 Velocity Conference in New York City, an interview with me on why device labs are necessary, the role of software emulators, and how to get people on board with web optimization.

Building a Device Lab, a tutorial with Destiny Montague   presentation

At Etsy, we’ve built a device lab with 30+ devices and iterated upon the lab as we learned more about how developers and designers use it. We approached building it like a product for internal users, and are eager to help others build out their labs so we can learn from each other. We have presented this tutorial at Velocity Santa Clara, Velocity NY, and Velocity Barcelona. The book Building a device lab is forthcoming from Five Simple Steps, co-authored by Destiny and me.

Mobile Web at Etsy   presentation

The below slides and links are from my presentation about the challenges that we face when developing for mobile web as your users may be on any device, platform or connection. I share Etsy’s approach to developing for mobile web and the lessons we learned about changing culture within the organization to care about mobile web. Versions of this presentation were given at Breaking Development, IndustryConf and 200 OK.


Mobile web is not (just) a technical challenge   presentation

In this keynote at Velocity, I spoke about how Etsy moved towards a culture of performance and mobile web by educating, incentivizing and empowering everyone who works at Etsy. Video

Etsy's Device Lab (Code as Craft)   publication

I share how we built Etsy’s mobile device testing lab, complete with communication techniques, challenges like power supply, what we learned about how to make it intuitive for developers and designers to use, and pictures!